I celebrate Christmas whit our family and we do good Mexican food and we talk about the pass and stories when we wore baby's. I like to celebrate Christmas because i like to be whit all my family and my cousins and all my aunts and uncles. The best part what i like about Christmas is our Christmas three it is decorated white lites and colorful puffy things and whit allot of presents. My family and i like to give presents to our other family our Grandpa and, Grandma ,aunts, our uncles and my good cousins. What i like the most about Christmas is my mothers good Tamales whit a good drink Chocolate whit marsh mellow . What i want for Christmas is a new cellphone because my other cellphone is old and that my family have a good Christmas and to hang together . I like Christmas because is the best day i evar have and we had allot of fun whit my family. And whe sing songs of Cristmas have a good MERY CHRISTMAS.