Yesterday our school had a visit with this lady from the Globaloria program her name was Rachel Rosenfelt . Rachel Rosenfelt is a lady that reed kids wiki page about there knew game that we made our self . The best part is that we have to reed our new game that we did and we have to talk about the game that how is going to be the title of the game and how we are going to unpaired the game of the game. There was a lady that like science and toke us pictures and she was going to put them some ware that people will see them how our wiki is going to be our game. Rachel was nice whit us and she talk about things the computer and how to make the game and to talk about the game and how to make the character or some ideas to make the game perfect. I learn allot whit Mis.Rachel and i learn how to do a good game to help people to be good whit health you can make a game about health sow that they can be more health. I learn allot whit Mis.Rachel about how to make a new game that we invent sow that people can learn more and understand the gane rules.