Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I celebrate Christmas whit our family and we do good Mexican food and we talk about the pass and stories when we wore baby's. I like to celebrate Christmas because i like to be whit all my family and my cousins and all my aunts and uncles. The best part what i like about Christmas is our Christmas three it is decorated white lites and colorful puffy things and whit allot of presents. My family and i like to give presents to our other family our Grandpa and, Grandma ,aunts, our uncles and my good cousins. What i like the most about Christmas is my mothers good Tamales whit a good drink Chocolate whit marsh mellow . What i want for Christmas is a new cellphone because my other cellphone is old and that my family have a good Christmas and to hang together . I like Christmas because is the best day i evar have and we had allot of fun whit my family. And whe sing songs of Cristmas have a good MERY CHRISTMAS.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

field trips about tha austin toros

Our field trip is watching the toros playing it was cool because we wore watching the players play and how they jump to hit the goal. They play berry good at first i never like seeing play basketball because i never like to watched seeing the people play because is boring. The best thing that i like about our field trip was that they play berry good they wore giving food and they can play some games in front of all the people and dance to. I was sad because the toros lost and the visitors won the toros god 88 and the visitors god 92 put the toros did berry good and they try there best. I have allot of fun in the field trip it was cool and fun this was the beast day of my life . I started to like watching in tv the players of toros allways. The next day they will try there best and they cand do it they will wine the visitors.