I learn yesterday about other's Math games some games where about Teen Pregnancy the others one that I like to is ours because we put m
ore design and we add more thing's. The best thing that I like about yesterday was that we graded the paper and we put what we like the most game the game that we pick was the dafaj they were the best and they show allot of details and they explained and tell the game was about helping ore helping the Environment and the city.They put in the game the places where the character where going to save the Environment and the clues how to save it. One of the best parts of the game was the thing's they need to save the Environment.Many things that I like was the part that we need to reed to show our game .My objective is number 6 we did abut people being fat is called Obesity we need to keep the persons to stop people from being fat and the game is like this people have to find a way to get not fat and to be nutrition and to eat good food and think good and get a better life and to work. We like to do this work to help other people to not get fat and to think that is better then being fat and eating allot. I like to do this game because we wanted to be the best game and we did allot of effort and put allot of ideas and we agree the thing's we need to put in the game to make it the best.We try one each other have to make a page to do our game and each one draw a pictures of our game and when it was our time to reed it in front of the other's kid's and they need to pick the best one in the class and I think that the best one was the dafaj they allot of good stuff and good information of the game they are doing Objective 2 they were great and assume and they are good whit there plans and we put them a 80 because they where great. I like it sow much and I like it allot.

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